Macintosh Monday's started off as a place to tell the world about some of the hilarious and frustrating antics of our beloved beagle. Let's be honest there were a fair few...
We had book destruction here. Poorly Macintosh here. There was an awful lot of doormat destruction here. We even had dinner stealing here. Then finally we had his epic transition into desert life here

However since moving to California and reaching the grand old age of 3 Macintosh has rather slowed down. He does still do some hilarious/frustrating things but to be honest most of the time he's like this...

Or perhaps this...

As a result of all his sleeping and slower behaviour there aren't too many incidents to be writing about. Those that do occur don't always have photographic evidence, either because it happens to quickly or because I seem to take photos of too much that I'm afraid my mac won't be able to hold the photo overload! 

So I've been thinking, I might just change Macintosh Monday's to a monthly thing where you can get a wonderful roundup of his behaviour and events. I can always do a bonus post if he does something especially funny! So what do we think, have I just lost my last few blog readers after that suggestion?

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